International Association of Rural Health and Medicine(IARM)

The International Association of Rural Health and Medicine(IARM) is an independent Association of Rural Health experts from different scientific disciplines. It aims at the sustainable health development of people living in rural and remote areas in the fields of health of the general population, rural occupational health and environmental health.

News & Events
IARM 2023 Congress
1. Public and Occupational Health in Sustainable Agriculture(PDF:3MB)
August 21-24.2022 Odense, Denmark
2. From October 2021, the IARM Executive Members have changed from 2018-2021 version to 2021-2024 version, and the 22th IARM Congress, which was postponed from September 2021, will be held in Serbia (Belgrade, on-site held) on September, 2022 (unofficially decided on April 7, 2021).
3. Important Notice (PDF : 669KB)
From October 2021, the Editor-in-Chief of JRM has changed from Dr. Shintani to Dr. Tomimitsu (Director of JARM, Former Secretary General of IARM). JRM converted to digital format in November 2019 and starting in January 2020, JRM online has been published 4 times (January, April, July, October) per year.
4. "Public and Occupational Health in a sustainable climate wise agriculture” held in Odense Denmark on August 20-22, 2022.
5. Important notice for JRM authors when submitting an article (English / Japanese). JRM has been a semi-open (OA) journal since April 1, 2021.: Shuzo Shintani, MD, PhD. JRM Editor-in-Chief
6. The IARM online conference in University of Pécs Medical School on 29 October 2020,from 9:00 to 13:00 in Hungary. (16:00 to 20:00 in Japan)


WHO World Immunization Week 2020 in the shadow of the COVID-19 Pandemic: WHO Collaborating Centre task of WCC Global Immunization for migrants and ethnic minorities, including rural population, living in remote regions (  


Easter Greetings from Poland to Japanese Association of Rural Medicine (JARM)


Announcement of Cancellation of 21th IARM Congress on August, 2020 in Hungary for Corona-virus Disaster
Cancellation for Coronavirus Disaster


JRM online will be published ( 4 times (January, April, July, October) per year since January, 2020.


Photo Album of 2018 Joint-Congress on Rural Medicine in Tokyo (PDF : 210MB)


Journal of Rural Medicine (JRM) in digital format from 2019


Tokyo Declaration


Digital submission (JRM) website (
will be opened on May 25, 2019.


Now, the new journal (JRM) website (
has been opened since April25, 2019.